30 Jun 5 Things That Led to My Biggest Launch Ever at $72K in 3 Weeks
This post is about the 5 things you can implement in your next launch. I am telling you exactly what I did to achieve my biggest launch to date at $72K in 3 weeks! This is for you if you’re rolling out a high-end offer of your services that feels aligned but is just not selling. If you like this, make sure to get in real-time touch with me over on my Facebook community, Soul-Level Shifts, where I do weekly free trainings on topics just like this one. You can also follow my life in Bali on Instagram @heyelainaray and DM me anytime to say hi! Btw every year I launch a business mastermind for entrepreneurs looking to grow to 6-figures and beyond, so stay tuned to find out when the next round launches. If you’re interested in strategic 1-1 support, you can also apply for a 6-month mentorship. I would love to work with you now or in the future! Drop me a line if this blog helps you. ~ Elaina
The launch of Sold Out Signature Offers is a wrap, and I’m so proud of my team bringing in 21 amazing souls and $72,000 in sales in just 3 steady weeks (and $0 ad spend).
I used to DREAM of the day when I’d have these kinds of launches, thinking it was only for other coaches with a certain kind of audience and followers that I didn’t have — or just impossible/fake.
And I can assure you, from launches where I only had 4 people join a program to today, if I can do it, truly you can as well.
Here are a few of the biggest things we did that you can do in your next launch to bring you bigger results as well.
#1. 7 people signed up BEFORE we even launched.
Now, how I do this is a very particular and well-oiled strategy (and I’m the only business coach I know who teaches it this way) but that’s for my private clients only. What I can tell you is that it makes going into launch so much less stressful and contracted without the thoughts of:
“What if no one signs up?”
“Worse, what if 3 people sign up and I look like a loser to those people and they realize I’m a fraud?”
“Oh 2 discovery calls today, I really need them to say yes.”
I knew that even if no one else signed up (impossible) that we had a great group already. Then the other 14 were a happy bonus.
#2. I used a multi-tiered pricing structure to maximize revenue.
I had two prices: a gold tier and a VIP tier. Gold tier made the program affordable & accessible to just get in the door of the program and be in the community and get group coaching. VIP tier was the only way to get private 1-1 coaching with me plus many juicy bonuses that go outside the scope of the group coaching.
If people wanted more personal attention and had the fire to go VIP, that was available. If they wanted to kind of feel me out in a lower-end offer, that was there, too. Win-win!
#3. We created a spacious timeline and had very specific targets.
Some business coaches will teach 7-10 day launch timelines and I find that exhausting. I gave myself 2 full weeks to promote the masterclass that led into this launch and then 2 full weeks of promoting the program, so 4 weeks total.
PLUS, knowing there are always tons of stragglers, I strategically set Monday as doors closed to the public but put the first call on Friday, knowing I’d have people still signing up all during that week, too. (2 people signed up 10 minutes before the first session and someone else signed up Sunday am, hoping to still get in the door.)
I’m CEO of my own company, so I don’t create launch plans that stress me out!
I also had VERY specific targets of number of souls I wanted to invite in and the dollar amount I wanted to receive for that exchange. Worked like a charm.
#4. I went for insane levels of visibility around it and did not fear the unsubscribes.
It’s insane how many times people need to hear something or see it before they think about buying. I felt like I was screaming this program from the rooftops (3 posts a day, 4 emails a week, multiple videos per week) and yet people were still like “oh what program?”
For your launch, take how visible you THINK you need to be and like, triple it.
People WILL unfollow you and unsubscribe! Don’t worry! If someone unsubscribes as soon as you start making paid offers, good riddance. You want people on your list who are interested in buying from you, not only soaking up the freebies.
#5. The offer itself was SO clear, market-tested & easy to sell.
I did a lot of market research for this offer and it was so easy to sell because I knew my ideal client needed this. Most people bought after a look at the sales pages and a little voice note exchange over messenger.
This is why I created the program in the first place, because the offer itself being strategically positioned and well market-tested makes ALL the difference in how you show up in your marketing & sales and how people respond to the offer.
“Don’t have the money, can’t afford it, now isn’t the right time” all disappeared as objections from my world as soon as I knew how to create value-packed offers like this one.
Watch the video I posted on my business page for the rest of the full scoop on the launch — and to even to hear about the messaging tweak we made halfway through the launch to regain huge momentum!
Did this article help? DM me on Instagram and say hi and tell me what resonated! @heyelainaray