The idea behind my masterclasses is to give you are taster of an area of focus with a mini deep-dive into a very specific topic.

Storytelling secrets to attracting the RIGHT clients and choosing the brand story that best communicates who you are and what you do.

Storytelling secrets to attracting the RIGHT clients and choosing the brand story that best communicates who you are and what you do.


The most comprehensive behind the scenes look at how we scaled from $0 to $2M in 3 years organically and how you can structure your business to allow you to work more exclusively in your zone of genius through team, easy automation, systemization, leveraged offers and passive income. Scale your business from $10k to $25k-$50k months with the 3 key levers for scaled, sustainable growth that I teach inside.

The most comprehensive behind the scenes look at how we scaled from $0 to $2M in 3 years organically and how you can structure your business to allow you to work more exclusively in your zone of genius through team, easy automation, systemization, leveraged offers and passive income. Scale your business from $10k to $25k-$50k months with the 3 key levers for scaled, sustainable growth that I teach inside.

Confidently raise your rates and have a consistent method for pricing your offers. Pricing is more than picking a random number that “feels right.” gold-paint-line If you feel into it and pick your favorite angel number one day, you may find yourself blurting out a different number on your next sales call because… well, now you feel different. Pricing has to be soulful and strategic.

Confidently raise your rates and have a consistent method for pricing your offers. Pricing is more than picking a random number that “feels right.” gold-paint-line If you feel into it and pick your favorite angel number one day, you may find yourself blurting out a different number on your next sales call because… well, now you feel different. Pricing has to be soulful and strategic.

Ready to go from doing it all on your own to having team members and support around you who can help your business run more efficiently as you scale? This is critical for spending less time inside the business (and on social media) and more time delighting your clients and doing what you love. Inside this masterclass you’ll learn exactly who’s on my team and how we manage a growing 7 figure business on the inside.

Ready to go from doing it all on your own to having team members and support around you who can help your business run more efficiently as you scale? This is critical for spending less time inside the business (and on social media) and more time delighting your clients and doing what you love. Inside this masterclass you’ll learn exactly who’s on my team and how we manage a growing 7 figure business on the inside.

Learn the timeless organic marketing principles to attract premium clients on repeat. We’re living in a beautiful time where more information, opportunities, and connections are available to us than ever before because of the internet. Free social media is a gift that leaders today get to use as a tool to share real paradigm-shifting transformations and catalyze our world into lasting positive change. In this masterclass you will gain insights into my strategy for sequencing content that will work today

Learn the timeless organic marketing principles to attract premium clients on repeat. We’re living in a beautiful time where more information, opportunities, and connections are available to us than ever before because of the internet. Free social media is a gift that leaders today get to use as a tool to share real paradigm-shifting transformations and catalyze our world into lasting positive change. In this masterclass you will gain insights into my strategy for sequencing content that will work today

Learn exactly how to overcome time, money, and “I need to think about it” objections (without being pushy) by using timeless feminine energetics and solid masculine sales strategy.

Learn exactly how to overcome time, money, and “I need to think about it” objections (without being pushy) by using timeless feminine energetics and solid masculine sales strategy.

7 Figure Strategy Activation will reveal the 5 very simple principles that my company is based on that has created our financial results and consistent, sustainable, intentional, and joyful expansion. Join me for this precious masterclass where we’ll pull back the curtain on how to strategically activate your feminine 7 figure empire.

7 Figure Strategy Activation will reveal the 5 very simple principles that my company is based on that has created our financial results and consistent, sustainable, intentional, and joyful expansion. Join me for this precious masterclass where we’ll pull back the curtain on how to strategically activate your feminine 7 figure empire.

 Practices and mindset shifts to open you up to receive more visibility, money, followers, high level clients, and opportunities — and the truth about why some entrepreneurs receive more of all of these and the skill you can hone to expand your capacity immediately. Soul-affirming permission to unleash your creative genius, lead rooms of more powerful high paying clients, and hold higher levels of income sustainably.

 Practices and mindset shifts to open you up to receive more visibility, money, followers, high level clients, and opportunities — and the truth about why some entrepreneurs receive more of all of these and the skill you can hone to expand your capacity immediately. Soul-affirming permission to unleash your creative genius, lead rooms of more powerful high paying clients, and hold higher levels of income sustainably.

This masterclass will help you to prepare your heart. I reveal the practices that called in my soulmate man and a million dollar business. Learn how to heal your relationship with the masculine. Ground into your own purpose. And open continuously to all of life so he will be there. So you can receive as you’re meant to… men and money and all forms of love, support, and abundance.

This masterclass will help you to prepare your heart. I reveal the practices that called in my soulmate man and a million dollar business. Learn how to heal your relationship with the masculine. Ground into your own purpose. And open continuously to all of life so he will be there. So you can receive as you’re meant to… men and money and all forms of love, support, and abundance.

I will teach grounded principles on how you change your money mindset NOW, elevate your money-making potential, do clear personal development practices that will re-align you to more wealth in your life, and switch your leadership gears and how you’re showing up in your business into a powerful new level in the blink of an eye. I will teach you what I did to go from struggling in my business to bringing in six-figure months. I will teach you what’s required to generate real world wealth in your life and business.

I will teach grounded principles on how you change your money mindset NOW, elevate your money-making potential, do clear personal development practices that will re-align you to more wealth in your life, and switch your leadership gears and how you’re showing up in your business into a powerful new level in the blink of an eye. I will teach you what I did to go from struggling in my business to bringing in six-figure months. I will teach you what’s required to generate real world wealth in your life and business.

Consistency in your business is fully within your control, and it doesn’t mean the suffocation of your creative genius in too much structure… actually, it’s completely the opposite. Learn exactly the moves I’ve made to produce consistent six figure months for over 18 months while allowing myself to feel more free, creative, unleashed, and empowered in my business than ever before. What you learn inside will cause immediate shifts in your ability to attract the results you want consistently, no matter what’s going on in your personal life as the human behind the business.

Consistency in your business is fully within your control, and it doesn’t mean the suffocation of your creative genius in too much structure… actually, it’s completely the opposite. Learn exactly the moves I’ve made to produce consistent six figure months for over 18 months while allowing myself to feel more free, creative, unleashed, and empowered in my business than ever before. What you learn inside will cause immediate shifts in your ability to attract the results you want consistently, no matter what’s going on in your personal life as the human behind the business.

Make more sales, call in more clients, work more efficiently, and achieve your most abundant year in business ever with the entire Elaina Ray team.

Make more sales, call in more clients, work more efficiently, and achieve your most abundant year in business ever with the entire Elaina Ray team.

Calling All 6 Figure And Aspiring 6 Figure Transformational Experts And Coaches Of The Conscious Business Community! The Successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs Summit was created to address the gap between the many strategy-focused, masculine overdrive type business coaching containers that fundamentally lack soul and the prolific and ungrounded “ease and flow” type support that lacks substance.

Calling All 6 Figure And Aspiring 6 Figure Transformational Experts And Coaches Of The Conscious Business Community! The Successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs Summit was created to address the gap between the many strategy-focused, masculine overdrive type business coaching containers that fundamentally lack soul and the prolific and ungrounded “ease and flow” type support that lacks substance.

Learn to redefine niche in a way that has liberated hundreds of entrepreneurs from niche-related problems, learn my widely-acclaimed “sub-niche” theory that has been the #1 concept that’s created niche breakthroughs for multi-passionate coaches for over 5 years, and finally understand why your profitable niche may be hiding right under your nose if you just looked at one key, but uncommon element.

Learn to redefine niche in a way that has liberated hundreds of entrepreneurs from niche-related problems, learn my widely-acclaimed “sub-niche” theory that has been the #1 concept that’s created niche breakthroughs for multi-passionate coaches for over 5 years, and finally understand why your profitable niche may be hiding right under your nose if you just looked at one key, but uncommon element.

This is a NEVER-RELEASED-BEFORE relatively low-ticket bundle giving away my absolute sacred codes around annihilating your stubbornest limiting beliefs, aligning to your next level wealth, and million dollar mindset work. This bundle includes the FULL energetics process as I originally taught it to my mastermind clients a few months ago, which proceeded to blow their minds and send them into a quantum upward spiral just from this one training. It also includes a few of my absolute best training sessions that live inside my membership vault, for my premium clients only… until now.

This is a NEVER-RELEASED-BEFORE relatively low-ticket bundle giving away my absolute sacred codes around annihilating your stubbornest limiting beliefs, aligning to your next level wealth, and million dollar mindset work. This bundle includes the FULL energetics process as I originally taught it to my mastermind clients a few months ago, which proceeded to blow their minds and send them into a quantum upward spiral just from this one training. It also includes a few of my absolute best training sessions that live inside my membership vault, for my premium clients only… until now.

Ready to have a launch methodology that works to fill 1-1, group programs, and courses that you can rinse and repeat? Tired of launching the way you are now because it feels heavy or like you’re on a content hamster wheel — and then so few people actually sign up? Learn how I’ve launched for the last 4 years, generating $3M of revenue and the same system I’ve taught hundreds of clients who have gone on to have booked out launches and then actually feel like launching is no big deal because their system works. I spill all my launch secrets in this masterclass.

Ready to have a launch methodology that works to fill 1-1, group programs, and courses that you can rinse and repeat? Tired of launching the way you are now because it feels heavy or like you’re on a content hamster wheel — and then so few people actually sign up? Learn how I’ve launched for the last 4 years, generating $3M of revenue and the same system I’ve taught hundreds of clients who have gone on to have booked out launches and then actually feel like launching is no big deal because their system works. I spill all my launch secrets in this masterclass.

How to create business overflow that never comes at the expense of your time, freedom, travel, family, and lifestyle values

How to create business overflow that never comes at the expense of your time, freedom, travel, family, and lifestyle values


The messaging and content creation mastery that’s led to millions in sales and how it can help you do the same.

The messaging and content creation mastery that’s led to millions in sales and how it can help you do the same.

The 6 core structures for online businesses that lead to true time and financial freedom. If you’re ready to make that transition into less of a short-term spurt business owner and more of a CEO with financial freedom on her horizon, the Systems are Sexy workshop will pull back the curtain on the mechanics of my multi-7 figure business so you can understand how it works and create a reality where you have spaciousness and time freedom for years to come.

The 6 core structures for online businesses that lead to true time and financial freedom. If you’re ready to make that transition into less of a short-term spurt business owner and more of a CEO with financial freedom on her horizon, the Systems are Sexy workshop will pull back the curtain on the mechanics of my multi-7 figure business so you can understand how it works and create a reality where you have spaciousness and time freedom for years to come.

How to grow a bigger audience, increase your visibility, be a platform of influence, and create a sought after brand that can sell anything.

How to grow a bigger audience, increase your visibility, be a platform of influence, and create a sought after brand that can sell anything.

Inside Investor Day, I teach you how I think about investing to diversify my coaching income and grow my net worth. I will share with you major mistakes 99% of business owners make in managing their revenue and I’ll explain exactly what to do differently to avoid these costly mistakes. I share my story of how I got into my main investment vehicles of real estate & crypto and a high level understanding and approach to take advantage of these extremely lucrative markets the way I have regardless of your current income level. Plus I’ll discuss The Investor mindset vs just being an ordinary business owner who stays on the hamster wheel without making your money make you money instead of YOU always making your money.

Inside Investor Day, I teach you how I think about investing to diversify my coaching income and grow my net worth. I will share with you major mistakes 99% of business owners make in managing their revenue and I’ll explain exactly what to do differently to avoid these costly mistakes. I share my story of how I got into my main investment vehicles of real estate & crypto and a high level understanding and approach to take advantage of these extremely lucrative markets the way I have regardless of your current income level. Plus I’ll discuss The Investor mindset vs just being an ordinary business owner who stays on the hamster wheel without making your money make you money instead of YOU always making your money.

How to rapidly expand the success you’re available for in your business. I’ll teach you 12 principles to allow more wealth, love, and influence into your life and give you insight into how I’ve HELD more in my life and business as my company rapidly expanded. You’ll leave unapologetically asking for more and holding the energetic signature to allow it to be possible for you quickly and easefully.

How to rapidly expand the success you’re available for in your business. I’ll teach you 12 principles to allow more wealth, love, and influence into your life and give you insight into how I’ve HELD more in my life and business as my company rapidly expanded. You’ll leave unapologetically asking for more and holding the energetic signature to allow it to be possible for you quickly and easefully.

Understand the psychology and mindset of very high end clients, where they hang out online, and what mistakes you might need to correct in your marketing right now so you can attract them, too. Find out exactly what I teach my clients who start selling high end with more ease than ever (like going from selling $5k packages to $25k+ on repeat), and what I focus on in my business to sell $50,000+ packages consistently.
Understand the psychology and mindset of very high end clients, where they hang out online, and what mistakes you might need to correct in your marketing right now so you can attract them, too. Find out exactly what I teach my clients who start selling high end with more ease than ever (like going from selling $5k packages to $25k+ on repeat), and what I focus on in my business to sell $50,000+ packages consistently.