Earnings Disclaimer

Last Updated on April 28, 2022

This Earnings Disclaimer of Elaina Ray International (“Elaina Ray International” “me”, “mine,” “I,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) applies to your use of the Elaina Ray website located at www.elainaray.com and all other associated domains of Elaina Ray International on all platforms (the “Website”).

Earnings and income statements of Elaina Ray International are estimates of potential income only and do not guarantee that your earnings will be the same or similar to figures provided on the Website. You agree that Elaina Ray International makes no guarantee that using the same ideas, strategies, techniques, products, or services on the Website will produce the same or similar results.

The information, products, and services on the Website are not common, typical, normal, or expected for the average person. Each individual’s success depends on many factors, including but not limited to: ideas, knowledge, skill level, techniques, experience, expertise, time, motivation, financial backing, and others. You agree that your reliance on the information, products, and services on the Website is at your own risk.

All testimonials are provided by individuals based on personal experiences. Elaina Ray International does not verify the accuracy or truthfulness of the testimonials, and they are not intended to represent average results or guarantee the same or similar results. You agree that you accept all risks associated with relying on figures, examples, and testimonials on the Website.

You agree that all information, products, and services on the Website are provided for educational and informational purposes only. You agree that you have consulted with your financial and legal professionals prior to using the Website.

You agree that Elaina Ray International is not liable for the success or failure of your business activities that are directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of any information, products, or services on the Website.

Your use of the website confirms your agreement with this Earnings Disclaimer.