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How to elevate your messaging and attract higher end clients


You know your mission, you’re already doing important work in the world, and you’re playing bigger than most people, but it still feels like playing small – to you.

You’re building a BIG online brand and you want to be running a fully-fledged company with strong team members, systems in place that let you focus on your zone of genius, and the potential to make millions of dollars with time and lifestyle freedom as a primary factor. You’re ready to scale and claim your seat at the top of your industry.

It’s more than a dream. You know you’re made for it.

And you want the business strategies to get you there along the most streamlined road possible.

I’m a growth strategist and business mentor, who grew my current multimillion dollar business after leaving the corporate confines of my previous career at IBM and Uber.

After growing tired of the 9 to 5, I traveled the world for 5 years to over 60 countries, living among cultures far off the beaten path like in Ethiopia, Mongolia, and India, studying personal development and mindfulness while trying to figure out how to create the location-independent lifestyle that would suit my passion for culture and adventure travel.

I started my business as a side hustle while I was still working in corporate, but it really took off once I invested my undivided time and energy into it. And it started to really produce consistent revenue once I hired business strategists and team members for myself.

In just two years, I fell in love with my business and scaled it to its first $1M milestone.

I’m a growth strategist and business mentor, who grew my current multimillion dollar business after leaving the corporate confines of my previous career at IBM and Uber.

After growing tired of the 9 to 5, I traveled the world for 5 years to over 60 countries, living among cultures far off the beaten path like in Ethiopia, Mongolia, and India, studying personal development and mindfulness while trying to figure out how to create the location-independent lifestyle that would suit my passion for culture and adventure travel.

I started my business as a side hustle while I was still working in corporate, but it really took off once I invested my undivided time and energy into it. And it started to really produce consistent revenue once I hired business strategists and team members for myself.

In just two years, I fell in love with my business and scaled it to its first $1M milestone.

To date, I’ve grossed multiple 7-figures of revenue working with thousands of clients around the world. We work with personal development experts, online personal brands, and even high performing brick and mortar and ecommerce companies.

I’m also an author, speaker, and podcast host. You can read more about my journey in my book, Becoming Self-Made, or listen to me coach entrepreneurs on my podcast, Million Dollar Spirit Business.

My approach is to help you scale your business in the most streamlined way with a full team of support, smart backend systems, passive income as well as high ticket sales (should you desire), and a mastery of your mindset around leadership, wealth, and continuous personal expansion.

It is an intentional and well-crafted balance of the masculine energy of strategy and structure to ground your vision with solid business principles and the feminine component of energetics mastery, millionaire mindset, and inspiration and ease with everything you do.

Through mentoring with me and my team, you’ll be exposed to how a multimillion dollar online company runs behind the scenes and guided to create one that is not a copycat of our model, but one unique to your goals, personality, and team that is simply founded on timeless strategies that work – and last.

To us, growing your business is more than just increasing your revenue, it’s also about expanding your impact and taking ownership over the exact lifestyle you want to live.

Time to travel the world, spend time with your family, build a strong community, engage in passion projects, and have a philanthropic mission you hold dear to your heart are all doors that open to extraordinary levels when you choose to expand what you’re capable of as an entrepreneur.

To date, I’ve grossed multiple 7-figures of revenue working with thousands of clients around the world. We work with personal development experts, online personal brands, and even high performing brick and mortar and ecommerce companies.

I’m also an author, speaker, and podcast host. You can read more about my journey in my book, Becoming Self-Made, or listen to me coach entrepreneurs on my podcast, Million Dollar Spirit Business.

My approach is to help you scale your business in the most streamlined way with a full team of support, smart backend systems, passive income as well as high ticket sales (should you desire), and a mastery of your mindset around leadership, wealth, and continuous personal expansion.

It is an intentional and well-crafted balance of the masculine energy of strategy and structure to ground your vision with solid business principles and the feminine component of energetics mastery, millionaire mindset, and inspiration and ease with everything you do.

Through mentoring with me and my team, you’ll be exposed to how a multimillion dollar online company runs behind the scenes and guided to create one that is not a copycat of our model, but one unique to your goals, personality, and team that is simply founded on timeless strategies that work – and last.

To us, growing your business is more than just increasing your revenue, it’s also about expanding your impact and taking ownership over the exact lifestyle you want to live.

Time to travel the world, spend time with your family, build a strong community, engage in passion projects, and have a philanthropic mission you hold dear to your heart are all doors that open to extraordinary levels when you choose to expand what you’re capable of as an entrepreneur.

I’m here to help you claim that next level.

$125,000 in 6 months with
multiple high-end dream clients

“I had quantum shifts in my income in a matter of weeks of coaching with Elaina. We straightened out my marketing and messaging and I got 15 discovery calls in a matter of 3 weeks. Once I started to change my messaging, people began to gravitate to me effortlessly. We also increased my sales skills so I could have empathetic, grounded, and connected sales conversations. All of this helped me close multiple high-end dream clients. In 6 months, I made $125K and I’m almost at $200K by the end of the year. Elaina makes things approachable and digestible and meets you where you are. She really helps you to see the value of what you are offering and how important it is to the world.”

Jackie Simek, Magnetic Mindset Coach & EFT Healer, USA

$65,000 launch in 3 months
and 5x-ed her investment

“I was immediately drawn to Elaina’s messaging. When I got on the discovery call with Elaina I was already sold. I knew I wanted what she was doing: to get on calls with clients and have them sold just like I was. There is something in the way Elaina teaches and the way she expresses herself that is grounded. When I stepped into Elaina’s container something happened where I clicked up and in turn my clients started clicking up, and therein lies the magic. I have closed every single discovery call that I have had since I started coaching with Elaina. Literally, within 12 hours of saying yes to her program, I quickly watched her sales training and I sold and closed a big 6-month client. With Elaina’s coaching I created a new offer and had a $65,000 launch, 5x my investment in her program. If you are the fence in joining her program, hop on over.”

Krista Kim, Spiritual Life Coach, USA

It’s time to get the all-access pass to the freedom, abundance, and joy that is your birthright. It’s time to become self-made.

In Becoming Self-Made, Elaina Ray walks you through her journey of finding her purpose and building a multimillion-dollar business in under two years and across multiple continents.

It’s time to get the all-access pass to the freedom, abundance, and joy that is your birthright. It’s time to become self-made.

In Becoming Self-Made, Elaina Ray walks you through her journey of finding her purpose and building a multimillion-dollar business in under two years and across multiple continents.

Intimately with Elaina Ray is a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to run two multiple 7 figure businesses — one in coaching, one in real estate.

I’m pulling back the curtain so you can get inside the head and heart of someone really doing it and being REAL about it: the feelings, fears, love life, challenges, travels, adventures, insights on what it takes on a day to day basis. You want to sit on the throne of your own business empire, but what will it be like when you get there?

Intimately with Elaina Ray is a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to run two multiple 7 figure businesses — one in coaching, one in real estate.

I’m pulling back the curtain so you can get inside the head and heart of someone really doing it and being REAL about it: the feelings, fears, love life, challenges, travels, adventures, insights on what it takes on a day to day basis. You want to sit on the throne of your own business empire, but what will it be like when you get there?

Welcome to Million Dollar Spirit Business, the show where we take super-profitable online business strategy and get it into the hands of the most heart-centered people, like you, creating mission-driven organizations and soul-inspired empires.

Every week, I’ll be coaching one lucky entrepreneur on one particular challenge they’re having inside their business, my desire is for you to have a front-row seat to a real-life mini transformation. And to get clear, tangible takeaways that you can apply to problem-solving and scaling your own business.

Welcome to Million Dollar Spirit Business, the show where we take super-profitable online business strategy and get it into the hands of the most heart-centered people, like you, creating mission-driven organizations and soul-inspired empires.

Every week, I’ll be coaching one lucky entrepreneur on one particular challenge they’re having inside their business, my desire is for you to have a front-row seat to a real-life mini transformation. And to get clear, tangible takeaways that you can apply to problem-solving and scaling your own business.

Fills her first mastermind, gets multi-6 figure business to 20 hours/week

“I’m committed to my family and my personal time as well as my clients and I’ve found that working 20 to 25 hours a week is my limit. I came to Elaina for other more streamlined and structured ways. One of my favorite things we did together is all of the automation on the back end. It’s worth it because I can do it one time and now I’m done with it and now I have multiple funnels and systems running at one time and get so many calls booked. I’m like, where did that come from? Oh yeah, my funnel, whereas before I was only filling my pipeline if I was live and offering something. Plus what surprised me was that I didn’t have to create a whole bunch of new stuff. I’ve been doing this for so many years that I could just go pull from the stuff that I already had.”

Megan Camille
Business Coach, USA

Hitting multiple
$10K months
for the first time

“It felt like magic to hit my first 10k month. It’s not necessarily about the numbers, but it was the validation that what I’m doing is working. I remember adding up all the numbers and then dancing around my house. I was SO happy. Elaina’s team is beautiful and in integrity and in their zone of genius. Truly amazing. You get help in so many areas of your business. If it’s the most loving choice to make for yourself, even if it’s scary, DO IT. The investment will pay itself back in spades, so if you feel the call to join, you’ll be so happy you did.”

Sean Murphy
Human Design Coach, USA

From inconsistent income to her easiest launch and 12 women signing up for her new program

“My goal was to create consistency. I used to have months where I made $20-$30k, but then there would be a month where I made zero or $1-$2k. I am now in a place where I have money coming in each month. I had an easy launch with 12 women signing up 3 weeks before my program started. I am now able to create and promote things faster with the support of my team and my consistent income. This was so much more than what’s advertised and there’s nothing like that magic you get from being around people that are at your level with the same dreams, desires, and fire. Everyone backs you and supports your progress. There really is no program like it.”

Claudia Whitney
Life & Business Coach for Women, USA

Scaling to $25,000 months and having a $40,000 launch

“I wanted to have the guidance of someone who clearly knew the business side of things and offered something both tangible and authentic. The investment was significant and scary for me and when I did it I asked myself: ‘Hey, what’s it going to take to see a change?’ So I invested in someone else the way I want people to invest in me, which ignited my full courage and I went all in. Straight after that, something shifted energetically and I accessed a new level of my worth and signed up two new clients. I’ve learned so much and have hit my biggest months and had a huge launch of my recent academy since then. What I learned in the five months doesn’t just serve me now, it’s going to serve me and my business for the rest of my life.”

Callum Hardingham,
Leadership Coach, UK

Private Coaching with me is the place you go to build your empire, a real 7 figure company. You’re ready to double and triple your bottom line… with simplicity and elegance.

Private Coaching with me is the place you go to build your empire, a real 7 figure company. You’re ready to double and triple your bottom line… with simplicity and elegance.

Our signature program that’s been running for 5+ years and successfully coaching over 100 coaches, brands, and service providers to 6 and multiple 6 figures. Sapphire is the business accelerator for you if you want to sell higher ticket packages, have crystal clear brand messaging that brings in more elevated clients, and improve the consistency of your business to achieve between $10k-$50k months.

Our signature program that’s been running for 5+ years and successfully coaching over 100 coaches, brands, and service providers to 6 and multiple 6 figures. Sapphire is the business accelerator for you if you want to sell higher ticket packages, have crystal clear brand messaging that brings in more elevated clients, and improve the consistency of your business to achieve between $10k-$50k months.

Self-study strategy course for brand new coaches that will help you land your first paying clients with ease and step into running a profitable soul-driven business. This is the grounding, step-by-step roadmap your vision needs to soar. In this program you’ll clarify your niche, structure and price your offers, learn how to start attracting your first clients, and finally understand the real-world online coaching business model.

Self-study strategy course for brand new coaches that will help you land your first paying clients with ease and step into running a profitable soul-driven business. This is the grounding, step-by-step roadmap your vision needs to soar. In this program you’ll clarify your niche, structure and price your offers, learn how to start attracting your first clients, and finally understand the real-world online coaching business model.

Are you a self-starter? Get instant access to instructional content and strategies you can use immediately.

Are you a self-starter? Get instant access to instructional content and strategies you can use immediately.

$125,000 in 6 months with multiple high-end
dream clients

“I had quantum shifts in my income in a matter of weeks of coaching with Elaina. We straightened out my marketing and messaging and I got 15 discovery calls in a matter of 3 weeks. Once I started to change my messaging, people began to gravitate to me effortlessly. We also increased my sales skills so I could have empathetic, grounded, and connected sales conversations. All of this helped me close multiple high-end dream clients. Elaina makes things approachable and digestible and meets you where you are. She really helps you to see the value of what you are offering and how important it is to the world.”

Jackie Simek
Magnetic Mindset Coach & EFT Practitioner, USA

Scaling to
$50K Months

“I came into the mastermind really looking to take my business to the next level. I’ve grown so much. What’s beautiful about the mastermind and what Elaina has created is that both [the psychology and strategy aspects] are held. I’ve seen both upgrades in my personal life because I’ve been calling in more and claiming more, but also in terms of my professional business life. My business is doing better than ever. I had 2 of my best months in 2 years of business. And it’s really just setting up that runway now for continued growth and implementation.”

Rick William
Life Coach, England/Costa Rica

Celebrating her first
$90,000 month

“6 months ago, my business was doing well after one $50k month, but I just couldn’t sustain it. I was in a loop of burning out and definitely not doing things my way. Joining up with Elaina felt like the best thing I could do for my business. I literally paid in full on the call. I felt so aligned and excited to be in the energy of someone giving me permission to run my business without any can’ts and shouldn’ts. Having a container where the bigness of my desires could be held was really important to me. I’m so grounded in what I want to be doing now and I just celebrated earning my yearly executive corporate salary in the first month after leaving the job.”

Hayley Lloyd
Business & Mindset Coach, Australia

$55,000 in sales in 90 days and 19 new soulmate clients

“Working with Elaina truly helped me understand my ideal client’s perspective and how to call her in. Elaina also helped me create a bigger brand from my core messaging. By making these tweaks, I am now calling committed clients who are ready for results and this fine tuning has landed me 19 new soulmate clients! The most life changing aspect of our coaching was the launch planning combined with the strategies. Elaina is efficient and really addresses the shifts you need to reach your next level. The way that she shows up, holds space, and is totally committed to what you do is unmatched. Do not hesitate to take the leap and make the investment.”

Regina Silva
Mindset and Business Coach, USA

$235,000 launch and more organization and spaciousness through team-building and simple scaling strategies

“What drew me to work with Elaina was understanding the team aspect better and right away we added a COO and support coaches to my team to help me scale my business. Before joining Diamond the biggest launch I had was $70,000. In this last one, we changed the approach so the launch could be much easier and more supported and I had a $235,000 launch. I love working with Elaina because like me she has worked in corporate and she has a strong business background. I feel she’s the perfect coach for high level spiritual women who lack more of the masculine side and strategic pieces because she also has the pieces around spirituality and energetics so it’s a very well-rounded container. You find people a lot of business coaches who are very heavy on strategy or very heavy on spirituality, but the magic is in the middle. I love that Elaina is so grounded in her queen energy and boundaries. She really taught me how to be strong in my boundaries and respect my time and energy and not overgive. I feel really spacious now and have much more organization and the sensation that I don’t have to be in my business all the time..”

Elisa Canali, Psychic Business Mentor & Human Design Expert, Italy

Creating $117,000 in her women’s
coaching business and having a $57,000 launch while enjoying the Bali surf lifestyle

“Absolutely do it, don’t even blink. It’s incredibly important to be held by someone who has had a lot of success and knows what they are talking about, even being in their energetic field is profound. These are the portals you have to jump through to have a successful business, like pushing through the discomfort of following your desire vs. your logic. These high paid coaches have all been through these portals where they take the risks and hire the coaches and do the things that feel so uncomfortable and those are the coaches who watch time and time again as the universe comes in and holds them and continues to support them as they take big risks. Be a yes to programs and coaches and programs that are out of your comfort zone. That’s the kind of energy you want to be calling into your space: to be in the space of people who are a yes, who are high paid, who invest in their growth and their vision in this world. Elaina is an incredible coach. I don’t know what I would have done without her. If you want to grow your business and invest in yourself, hire Elaina.”

Julia Shepley, Women’s Coach, USA