13 Aug I have truly stepped into the role of CEO and beautiful things are happening
This post is about stepping into the CEO role . If you like this, make sure to get in real-time touch with me over on my Facebook community, Soul-Level Shifts, where I do weekly free trainings on topics just like this one. You can also follow my life in Bali on Instagram @heyelainaray and DM me anytime to say hi! Btw every year I launch a business mastermind for entrepreneurs looking to grow to 6-figures and beyond, so stay tuned to find out when the next round launches. If you’re interested in strategic 1-1 support, you can also apply for a 6-month mentorship. I would love to work with you now or in the future! Drop me a line if this blog helps you. ~ Elaina
I feel like an octopus… in the best way imaginable.
For the last 2 months, we’ve had a construction crew on our new land building the extension of our dream home. It’s amazing to wander over there and look at the architectural designs (Rene designed it all with a professional architect) and see the men throwing boulders into the foundation along the quiet river where we’re planting roots.
I’ve also realized my business has officially gotten to the point where I don’t know what everyone does… and it’s glorious! There’s so many of us! And so many moving parts. I couldn’t possibly be bogged down in the details *and* keep this ship afloat.
I have truly stepped into the CEO role. I show up to delight my clients, I channel the content and programs that magnetizes everybody to us, and I oversee the team like the conductor of the orchestra.
While I’m doing that my team does things like…
- Taryn has onboarded at least 10 new clients.
- The sales team has done 4-5 calls this week and I’m receiving payments while I’m at the sauna or headed to dance class.
- Jesse has proactively overhauled a few pages on the website and troubleshooted advanced automations and… stuff.
- Leanne is designing graphics for the Facebook group, upcoming launch, and the podcast.
- Fran is building more podcast episodes from the audio snippets I’ve sent over.
- Hannah is managing the application process to be on the podcast from like 50 people eager to get on the show and get coached by me.
- Lois and the social team are planning Q4 content and teeing it up for my approval (already!)
The list goes on…
- My wealth advisor is opening up a new account for my portfolio. My personal stylist has sent me new outfits so at 31 I finally know how to dress myself.
- Our absolutely divine new cook is in the kitchen preparing a vegan dinner for me and my partner after our gentle work day.
- My personal assistant team has taken care of the villa, run last minute groceries for us, and fed the cats. One less thing my brain needs to think about and I’m so grateful.
I say I feel like an octopus because I feel like I have 8 arms instead of 2. Arms that let me reach further into life and do more and be more and feel more and create more.
Because I’ve surrendered and accepted support.
Because I’ve given up micromanaging.
Because I’ve planned ahead and hired and grown when it was uncomfortable.
Because I’ve created jobs for great people and taken chances on them.
Because I’ve chosen to value my time and energy so I can grow this octopus and reach more and more people with the gifts and energy of our company.
I share this to inspire you about what becomes possible when you choose to grow when it’s uncomfortable for you. When you take chances, when you lean in and trust others.
Beautiful things happen. You have a RIPPLE EFFECT so much greater than you would on your own.
I’m so grateful to everyone who makes this life possible. I couldn’t do it without you.
Rene, Hannah, Lois, Leanne, Taryn, Rickilee, Lauren, Fran, Jesse, Gusti, Trisna, Elli, Mama Bali, and countless others who support our mission to shift the economic paradigm and let more power, wealth, and influence get into the hands of the healers, wizards, authors, coaches, and mystics on the planet. 🌏