29 Sep Scaling Secrets: Small Following, Big Results
This post is about my scaling secrets. If you like this, make sure to get in real-time touch with me over on my Facebook community, Soul-Level Shifts, where I do weekly free trainings on topics just like this one. You can also follow my life in Bali on Instagram @heyelainaray and DM me anytime to say hi! Btw every year I launch a business mastermind for entrepreneurs looking to grow to 6-figures and beyond, so stay tuned to find out when the next round launches. If you’re interested in strategic 1-1 support, you can also apply for a 6-month mentorship. I would love to work with you now or in the future! Drop me a line if this blog helps you. ~ Elaina
One of the things that boggle people’s minds is how fast I’ve scaled my business without a huge social media following, and considering I get almost all of my clients from my organic social strategies, it’s pretty amazing.
And it’s not just me. Most of my clients who are hitting $20K-$50K months don’t have huge followings, maybe around 2k or 4k followers on Instagram and getting like 20-30 likes on a post.
If you’re feeling hungry to scale to the next level in your business, you might be feeling worried that you need to:
grow your audience (especially if you want to raise your rates because you’ve got to find the people who can afford you, right?)
boost engagement
book more podcasts, summits, media engagements
do collaborations and events
start understanding ads & automations (that’s just how you scale, right?)
hire some support to do social media engagement for you so you can find new potential clients
allocate more time to the business, even if you’re already most of the day in Zoom rooms as it is
Well what if I told you that me and my clients double & triple our income month after month by doing NONE OF THE ABOVE?
Here’s what I focus on teaching & doing instead:
Having crystal clear messaging that doesn’t appeal to A LOT of people, but appeals to the RIGHT people (MY PEOPLE)
Using a streamlined little business model I pretty much made up that focuses on creating an intentional customer ecosystem with high client retention
Being really, really effective at content creation on social media (I have no mind-blowing secret lead generation mechanism, I just do what works and this is a FREE marketing platform and it rocks, people who know what to do make millions on here)
ROCKING at sales so I constantly have perfect fit clients reaching out and I hear a heartfelt thank you at the end of every discovery call
A badass referral system that’s currently bringing me about 2 soulmate leads a day (that’s 700+ people/year finding me organically right now and I only need 50 to make 7 figures with my current model)
Owning my worth and serving mostly high-end clients with high-value offers (which most of my clients happily pay in full with zero money objections and thank me and we celebrate like two goofballs after)
Managing the energetics behind my business so that I’m almost always genuinely feeling things like “everything thing is working out in my favor, people love my stuff, my clients are smashing it, scaling is easy, I attract more money and opportunities naturally”
A support team consisting of a COO, social media strategist, VA my other team members manage, support coach, and a web developer so I’m free to focus on what inspires me (keeps energy and sales high)
I use ZERO ads, minimal but effective automations, no spammy social media manager who comments for me or DMs random people, and my number of followers almost never ticks upward, but my bottomline definitely does.
I like to keep things simple and focus on helping you create a streamlined product suite, master elegant, heartfelt & personalized sales, and cultivate a small but profitable community of raving fans that lets you scale to $20K, $50K, even $100K months without burning out or doing all the complicated and distracting stuff that just spreads you thin and never seems to pay off.
Did this article help? DM me on Instagram and say hi and tell me what resonated! @heyelainaray