10 Jan Creating a quantum leap in business is actually really straightforward
Creating a quantum leap is not a mysterious, esoteric, maybe I will or maybe I won’t kind of thing
It’s actually really straightforward.
A quantum leap is about a multiplication of revenue and results, which comes from making different business decisions and showing up differently inside the business.
Here’s a few of the tangible elements of a quantum leap that you have full control over:
#1. Creating leveraged programs. If you’re making $100k-$200k/year doing mostly private coaching, you’re just in an elevated 9 to 5 scenario where you trade your time for money and it’s capped. Moving to group programs, masterminds, courses, products, passive income, and any range of offer types that break the 1 hr = $x equation set you up to multiply.
#2. Price increases. My clients in any niche usually charge between $10k-$50k to work with them, some even well beyond that. If you own and occupy the premium portion of your audience, you’ll outearn the 6 figure peers by a lot.
#3. Team, support, and delegation. I call this the octopus effect. If you only have two arms in your business, you can only do so much. If you have four, six, or eight arms, you get more done in the business without you having to effort for every piece of it. Support coaches, sales team members, operations managers, and social media managers are the usual suspects. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my team.
#4. Consistent effort applied over time. You have full control over your consistency — and when you create a team and more leveraged systems, your business becomes a separate entity from you, thereby allowing the business to show up and sell every day while the human may be stepping into the business for some hours of the day or week and then stepping out to deal with being a human.
#5. Your energetics and ability to hold more people safely. Having a therapist and trauma certified mindset coach in my corner drastically improved my ability to hold more people experiencing more intensity with less trigger and reactivity from my side over time. The safer place I’ve become for people to experience the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur, the more I’ve aligned with an increased number of clients, naturally.
#6. Choose to make money in your sleep. If you only make money from live launches, you’re capped again, and if you need time off, forget it. You need options of things to sell that leverage your magic and methodology and bring in money while you’re asleep or on vacation and diversify your revenue streams. In 2021 I went from $0 of passive income and 0 products to 15 products and around $25k/month of pure passive income *on top of* 6 figures cash from recurring revenue and live launches.
#7. Intentional exposure around money that normalize higher income brackets. Easiest way to do this? Get in a mastermind and be surrounded by high-performing peers in your industry who make those $100k months no big deal, who show you how they do it behind the scenes, and where the conversation with the mentor leading it is uplifting your standards for your own financial reality.
You’re a sponge, so soak up the good money energy.