18 Oct Your ability to market yourself and your work determines how many lives you touch
This post is about your ability to market yourself. If you like this, make sure to get in real-time touch with me over on my Facebook community, Soul-Level Shifts, where I do weekly free trainings on topics just like this one. You can also follow my life in Bali on Instagram @heyelainaray and DM me anytime to say hi! Btw every year I launch a business mastermind for entrepreneurs looking to grow to 6-figures and beyond, so stay tuned to find out when the next round launches. If you’re interested in strategic 1-1 support, you can also apply for a 6-month mentorship. I would love to work with you now or in the future! Drop me a line if this blog helps you. ~ Elaina
Last month was another six figure month… $105,800 cash.
The best part? This has been the easiest launch ever.
Truly every time it gets easier.
Launching used to feel stressful, IMPORTANT, and a monumental part of the month or quarter. A flurry of commotion, tech stuff, graphics, things to be done, emails to be sent, posts to be scheduled.
Now there’s just a channel. And I honor it.
Now there’s just a process. And the team follows it.
Now there’s just an invitation. And people answer it.
Now it’s simply an opening to receiving mode. An inviting people into an experience with me, an experience of moving from passive receiver and consumer of information and inspiration on their feeds to taking out their credit cards, pushing a button, and taking a big, satisfying action for themselves.
Deciding. Moving into creator state. Moving into action.
It’s why I sell.
I sell to get you off your ass. If I can truly help you, my job is to let you know it and make it blatantly clear what’s possible for you and then actually give you that moment, that uncomfortable moment of saying yes and upleveling.
I know my clients don’t change their lives sitting around flipping through my freebies and staying in the energy of where they are.
Their lives change when they say YES and step into the container and get the knowledge and the trainings and the support and put it into action over a period of time together.
So do yours.
The key difference in your next perfect ideal client saying yes to you and you receiving from that value exchange and them changing something important in their life is YOUR ABILITY to communicate in a way that gets them to act.
To move from passive recipient of your “nurture content” and your freebies
To actual investor. Committed. Decided. Invested. In themselves.
It’s the magic that flows through your words… or not.
In the online realm, like it or not, it’s your ability to market yourself and your work that determines how many lives you touch.
I get that it’s not your biggest area of expertise… but you’re also excited to learn the trade secrets.
The industry best practices.
And the marketing that actually makes the world a better place. By being true to your magic & intentions with your work AND by being so clear and motivating people to act and buy and MOVE that you truly catalyze change.
Write inspirational stuff with no catalyst for change? Not much impact.
Write inspirational stuff THAT’S ALSO A CATALYST for people moving their butts and getting a fire under their ass and changing their health, relationships, self-love, business, money, healing their past?
It’s changing their DESTINY.