A business accelerator for coaches who want to hit 6 figures this year. You are ready to go all in to learn the next level mindset and strategy that will help you build consistency and hit $10K months regularly as a coach.

A business accelerator for coaches who want to hit 6 figures this year. You are ready to go all in to learn the next level mindset and strategy that will help you build consistency and hit $10K months regularly as a coach.



Close the gap between $10k months and $25k+ months in the most streamlined way possible that may include greater automation & systematization in the back end of the business, hiring team members so you can focus more in your zone of genius and joy, increasing your sales of leveraged offers like group programs, digital courses, and masterminds, introducing passive income, and freeing up time on your calendar so you actually (seriously) get to work less, serve more people, and make more money at this stage in your business.

This is a live program held in a very small community format that provides you a hybrid of 1-1 and group coaching, access to the entire Elaina Ray team, and lots of personalization of your path to doubling your revenue.


Close the gap between $10k months and $25k+ months in the most streamlined way possible that may include greater automation & systematization in the back end of the business, hiring team members so you can focus more in your zone of genius and joy, increasing your sales of leveraged offers like group programs, digital courses, and masterminds, introducing passive income, and freeing up time on your calendar so you actually (seriously) get to work less, serve more people, and make more money at this stage in your business.

This is a live program held in a very small community format that provides you a hybrid of 1-1 and group coaching, access to the entire Elaina Ray team, and lots of personalization of your path to doubling your revenue.

A high-vibe heart-centered business mastermind for established 6 figure coaches who are ready to quantum leap their income to 7 figures+. This is an elite mastermind for women who are already doing well in business and are being called to the level of EXTRAORDINARY. By application only.

A high-vibe heart-centered business mastermind for established 6 figure coaches who are ready to quantum leap their income to 7 figures+. This is an elite mastermind for women who are already doing well in business and are being called to the level of EXTRAORDINARY. By application only.

Private Coaching with me is the place you go to build your empire, a real 7 figure company. You’re a multiple 6 figure earner ready to double and triple your bottom line… with simplicity and elegance. Investment: $30K for 3 months, $50K for 5 months

Self-study strategy course for brand new coaches to land their first paying clients with ease and step into running a profitable soul-driven business. This is the grounding, step-by-step roadmap your vision needs to soar. In this program you’ll clarify your niche, structure and price your offers, land your first clients, and finally understand the real-world online coaching business model.


Self-study strategy course for brand new coaches to land their first paying clients with ease and step into running a profitable soul-driven business. This is the grounding, step-by-step roadmap your vision needs to soar. In this program you’ll clarify your niche, structure and price your offers, land your first clients, and finally understand the real-world online coaching business model.


Learn ground breaking wealth principles that will permanently alter your money-generating potential and help you quantum leap your income. This self-study course contains my groundbreaking teachings on money and provides the non-negotiable energetic foundation you need for business strategy to actually work predictably and outrageously well for you.

Learn ground breaking wealth principles that will permanently alter your money-generating potential and help you quantum leap your income. This self-study course contains my groundbreaking teachings on money and provides the non-negotiable energetic foundation you need for business strategy to actually work predictably and outrageously well for you.

My Consistent Sales Flow course covers everything from tweaks to your offer that will make it easier to sell to the full sales sequence I’ve used to generate over $1M in revenue and the full discovery call and objection handling flows that will PREVENT objections and boost your enrollment rates. In this module you’ll learn how to navigate potential client objections and how to do it with more feminine energy and effectiveness. Dialing into your ideal client is everything here. Spoiler alert: this has to do with showing up from a heart-centered place, genuinely listening and caring about the person you’re speaking with, and trauma-informed leadership.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>My Consistent Sales Flow course covers everything from tweaks to your offer that will make it easier to sell to the full sales sequence I’ve used to generate over $1M in revenue and the full discovery call and objection handling flows that will PREVENT objections and boost your enrollment rates. In this module you’ll learn how to navigate potential client objections and how to do it with more feminine energy and effectiveness. Dialing into your ideal client is everything here. Spoiler alert: this has to do with showing up from a heart-centered place, genuinely listening and caring about the person you’re speaking with, and trauma-informed leadership.</span></p>

This course teaches you exactly how I produce and structure content that will lead to a steady flow of clients from free social media posting. It’s for coaches, thought leaders, and personal development experts who struggle to communicate intangible results and express themselves in an authentic, heart-centered way… while still enrolling clients consistently.

This course teaches you exactly how I produce and structure content that will lead to a steady flow of clients from free social media posting. It’s for coaches, thought leaders, and personal development experts who struggle to communicate intangible results and express themselves in an authentic, heart-centered way… while still enrolling clients consistently.

An accelerated breakdown of the most laser-focused steps to take to increase your business revenue from wherever you are now (even $0) and set yourself up for $50k+ months. The format of this self-study course is specifically created for you to be able to move fast, implement solid strategies right away, and have a clear roadmap of what to focus on next and what to clear off your plate that’s distracting you or wasting your time so you’re on the fastest path to the biggest impact with your business. Friendly for all levels of entrepreneurs who simply know bigger results are possible for them and want to be shown the things to implement asap to create that.

An accelerated breakdown of the most laser-focused steps to take to increase your business revenue from wherever you are now (even $0) and set yourself up for $50k+ months. The format of this self-study course is specifically created for you to be able to move fast, implement solid strategies right away, and have a clear roadmap of what to focus on next and what to clear off your plate that’s distracting you or wasting your time so you’re on the fastest path to the biggest impact with your business. Friendly for all levels of entrepreneurs who simply know bigger results are possible for them and want to be shown the things to implement asap to create that.