26 Mar I got called out–And now I’m looking at you
This post is about when is enough enough. If you like this, make sure to get in real-time touch with me over on my Facebook community, Soul-Level Shifts, where I do weekly free trainings on topics just like this one. You can also follow my life in Bali on Instagram @heyelainaray and DM me anytime to say hi! Btw every year I launch a business mastermind for entrepreneurs looking to grow to 6-figures and beyond, so stay tuned to find out when the next round launches. If you’re interested in strategic 1-1 support, you can also apply for a 6-month mentorship. I would love to work with you now or in the future! Drop me a line if this blog helps you. ~ Elaina
I got called out – a story about the connection between husband energy & celebrity clients
Two days ago I sat in a cafe munching on a dosa with a friend who’s a top level manifestation and self love expert… and the thing about having expert friends is when they unknowingly wield the laser pointer of their gifts straight into your soul… and call you the f/ck out.
I was telling her about the qualities of my next soulmate partner that I’ve gotten clear about and how tangible the frequency of this man is who will be my husband, but how I believed I still had work to do to attract him in.
“My husband-to-be is playing big. He’s a big personality, doing big work, and he’s top of his game. Now I know I get to elevate my own work and my own voice and take a bigger stage so I’ll be a match for him. I’m still small potatoes.”
Or some rubbish-y story like that that I was adorably deluding myself with.
She looked at me straight in the eyes and laser pointed at me with all the power and love of Mother Earth:
“When is enough enough, Elaina? Could it be possible that you’re enough as you are now? That you’re already ‘playing big’ enough? And moreover, your man isn’t going to cherish you because of you doing more or being more out there in the world, he’s going to choose you and marry you because of your heart. Because of your feminine essence. Because of the magic of you that lies beyond all the dong.”
Of course, said my soul.
Penetrated by truth.
And the timeline collapsed, instantly.
My heart melted. I felt a soul-level softening. A relief of a burden I’ve been carrying for lifetimes.
Suddenly his frequency and our partnership came right up into the energy of NOW, instead of feeling so far away and such an uphill climb.
I relaxed, released, opened, and enlivened. I came home at that moment and remembered what it’s all really about.
Tonight I was on a call with a top level client in my Inner Circle who was asking, “I feel called to coach suuuuper high level people, but I’m scared. I’m not sure I’m ready to coach them yet. How do I call them in if I feel this way?”
As someone who now is frequently shit scared by the caliber of clients I myself coach, many of them serious influencers, rising stars of the industry, multimillionaires, serial entrepreneurs, and already successful in many categories of life (including the ones on that very call), I knew just what needed to be said because this is STILL how I feel pretty much every day and still high level people who surprise me hire me as private clients and Diamond level clients on a regular basis (“What, this amazing all-star person wants ME to be their business coach??” is not an uncommon thought I have. And I STILL sign those clients and it STILL is aligned and feels natural at the same time).
But first, I saw in his field, clear as day that he was coaching celebrities. Like it was already a done deal, so super obvious that I had to say, “Have you ever had the feeling that you want to or will be coaching celebrities?”
As it often happens when I use my intuitive gifts to tap in and messages come through, he laughed and said, “I can’t believe you just said that…”
So yes, it was in the field. Yes, he knows, maybe like you, that he’s destined to be serving the top of the top, leading leaders, coaching the best of the best. It was an unspoken dream, a desire lurking in his auric field that I couldn’t help but see and notice it as a done deal.
Then I said fundamentally what my friend said to me in the cafe days before and what I’d like to say to you now, dear one reading this who also desires to be working with the next tier of who you’re obviously meant to serve:
“And what if you are enough, just as you are now? What if the desire you have to serve at that level is all the indication you need that not only that’s for you but that you’re prepared, worthy, and ready? What if you didn’t need to feel ready or certain around coaching at those levels to still be the absolute perfect fit coach to hold the space for them? Because this caliber of client is hiring with their spidey senses. They are feeling your heart. Your codes. Your magic. Your embodiment. They don’t care about all you DO, they are about who you are and how you can hold them.”
The room fell silent. Everyone needed to hear that, apparently.
Now I’m looking at you. I just know by virtue of landing upon my page and reading this far, that you too are meant to lead the leaders, coach at the highest levels, serve those at the top of their game, and you might be shit scared inside. You might feel like a total imposter and that it’s such a far off dream for you.
It’s not. It’s right there in your field.
You are already connected, in fact, by a pre-existing soul contract to those highest level clients and your awareness of your desire is a reflection of them being in your field NOW and a permission slip to start calling them in.
The energy to be in for this to occur is: sufficiency.
Understanding your inherent enoughness and taking ownership of the wisdom you already embody and always have embodied is what will send a shiver of energy down the pre-existing cord of connection between you and this soulmate dream client.
Human to human.
Soul to soul.
You are more ready than you think.
And PS. you can still feel scared. You can still be honest-to-God surprised when they show up. You can still have doubts. AND still be aligned to work with the people you desire to work with and who desire to work with you, too.
Your desire is a compass.
The soul contracts are already there.
You get to move forward, put the offer in front of them, and receive the yes’s that are an obvious match for you.