29 Mar Crazy things I’ve said yes to before I was ready
Crazy things I’ve said yes to before I was ready
Mind you, I didn’t just come born with some abnormal amount of confidence and certainty around doing these things. I just exercised the muscle of deciding. Choosing to say yes to the things I was guided to say yes to and trusting what lay on the other side.
And every single one of these things have been the scariest and most pivotal, important moments of my entire life.
Moving to Bali 4 years ago without a job, a business, an idea, any friends, and any clue about what I was going to do with my life
Leaving my partner track at IBM financial services in New York and taking a job in NIGERIA that would have me travel all over Africa, Asia & the Middle East for 2 years
Taking myself on a solo round-the-world trip for 1.5 years at age 26 after I promised myself I’d quit the amazing job and see the world by myself by age 27 at the latest. I kept my word, even when it meant leaving my dream career
Deciding to major in Chinese in college because I had fallen head over heels with the language and culture
Buying my dream villa in Bali two months into the pandemic when the country had fully shut down that was worth more than all of the money I had ever earned up until that point and then some (and THEN buying the land next door and building an extension on said villa for another ridiculous sum)
Getting into a relationship 3 days after meeting Rene in Sweden and him moving across the world to live in Bali with me
Leaving said relationship after 2.5 years and being utterly convinced this is my future husband because I just sensed it wasn’t right anymore
Signing up for my first business coach and signing a $15,000 contract when I had only about half of that to my name. And no business
Hiring my team, every team member, every time was terrifying (and now we are 9!)
Every single one of these decisions shaped my life in a MONUMENTAL way. Every single time I did not “feel the feelings” of confidence, knowingness, readiness, certainty, or clarity before I did them. Every single time I was not sure it would work out, be worth it, or that it was the right move.
Had I waited to feel those feelings, I wouldn’t have moved. I wouldn’t be where I am today.
The feelings came after. I had to leap before the certainty or confidence in where I was going and what I was capable of would land.
That’s how it works. It’s not the other way around. Wait for that, you’ll be waiting your whole life.
I just honored my pull. I honored my yes. I honored my desires. I chose fast, forward momentum. Boldness. Newness.
I honored what felt true at the time. That’s pretty much it.
What is the story you’re going to tell yourself 10 years from now about how you got there? What leaps are you going to speak about that you know you need to take right now?
Do that.